Trading (International / Local)

Provide services to find supplier or buyer to Import or Export any kind of products (Complete Goods, Raw Materials or Packing materials) as per client's requirement.

If you are in Sri Lanka or any part of the world, please let us know what is your requirement.

You want to sell your product or you need any kind of product, we will find buyer or seller for you as per your requirement.

Please go to "Contact Us" page and write to us and attach pictures of the product you want sell or buy, if available with you.

Logistic Services

We provide value added services to our clients.

Full package service includes documentation process for banking to arrange payments, coordinating with supplier / buyer, checking copy documents according to clearance requirements, follow-up the Original Documents, collection of documents from Banks, process clearance with Sri Lanka Customs and deliver the goods to your door step.

If you are regular Importer or Exporter, we will appoint person/s (as per the volume) and locate under your roof to handle only your shipments.

Handle documents in safe and confidentially.